See how 9 model portfolios have performed in the past.
This is possibly the most important difference for investors to note with bonds vs bond mutual funds. BNDX vs BNDW. BNDX has a higher expense ratio than BNDW (0.08% vs 0.06%).
BND has a higher 5-year return than BNDX (4.53% vs 4.36%). BND is made up only of U.S. bonds with mostly high credit ratings. Below is the comparison between BNDX and BNDW. BNDW also holds significantly more securities than BNDX.
Security Type. Another difference is their expense ratio: BNDW has an expense ratio of 0.06% and charges 0.02% less in fees than BNDX. BNDX is also less volatile than BND and experiences lower drawdowns. Get answers to common ETF questions Mutual fund. BNDX is more expensive than BND (0.12% expense ratio vs. 0.05%).
Here's why: Imagine if you were considering buying an individual bond (not a mutual fund). BNDX. BNDX is made up of international bonds with various credit ratings ranging from AAA to BBB.
Overall, BNDX performs better than BND with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.57% vs. 4.16%. ETF.
It returned 3.95% over the last 3 years vs. BND’s 2.46%. BNDX is an ETF, whereas BNDW is a mutual fund. Below is the comparison between BND and BNDX. BNDW.
Performance wise, BNDX has done better. Find the best ETF, compare ETF Facts, Performance, Portfolio, Factors, and ESG metrics in one place. Learn everything you need to know about Vanguard Total International Bond ETF (BNDX) and how it ranks compared to other funds.
Compare ETFs vs. mutual funds. BND vs BNDX ETF comparison analysis. The main difference between BNDW and BNDX is that BNDW includes U.S. bonds while BNDX does not. BND has a lower expense ratio than BNDX (0.04% vs 0.08%).
BNDW streamlines fixed income portfolio construction by investing in a combination of Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND) and Vanguard Total International Bond ETF (BNDX…
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