New theories are not an automatic route to success or improvement, so it is necessary for me to be selective and to be able to match... ...Task 1. Reflection is a form of self-awareness and learners that can reflect are better able to understand themselves and the learning process. Reflective practice identifies areas of practice which are good or successful and areas which are poor. Here the practitioner should explain feelings and give examples which directly reference the teaching experience. To enable me to use this situation for my reflection the patient will be referred to as âAnnâ. This will ensure that a thoughtful, reflective approach to service delivery is valued for its contribution to good thinking, good decision making, and excellence in quality of care throughout the organisation. It is important to have the correct resources and utilise a range of techniques as this is vital in creating an interesting and challenging lesson for the individual. c) How reflective practice contributes to improving the quality of service provision There are many different models of reflective practice. With reflective practice it is one of the most important elements of my job. Evaluation They are as follows â As a social worker one will be faced with different challenges and situations that will require a unique response and reflective practice enables you to ‘think on your feet’ as described by Schön (1983) as reflection-in-action. I chose this particular incident as I felt very strongly about the care given to this patient shortly before her death, and felt the need to reflect on it further. Ann was a 58 year old lady married to a very loving husband, she had been previously diagnosed withmultiple myeloma with secondary renal impairment, and had been receiving cycles of... ...“Describe one social work method and how you could use it in practice” Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided Problem Solving Challenge Reflective practice is: the capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning.' Reflective practices is important to improve performance as involves looking at events that have happened, evaluating what has happened and then thinking it through. We have an annual training review in which we have a meeting with our manager and assess which areas we need more training and improvement. I feel that is important to reflect on your practice to identify areas of strength and see what works well. Learner progress is essentially self-paced, but since the content is driven from a Web server, the instructor can follow the progress of each learner and provide on-going encouragement and support. It is through reflective practice both formal and informal that some approaches are delivered effectively for example the client centred care. 2. Kolbâs Learning cycle is as follows - As a result you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and start working on improving yourself. Reflective practice is commonly seen as a way of improving one's understanding of a subject. Guided by the instructor, learners spend two days deepening their understanding of the concepts, discussing best practices and additional techniques for problem solving and decision making, and practicing on detailed case scenarios. We must be aware of what we are doing and why. We look through the available courses which are made available to us through the local early years department. To enable me to use this situation for my reflection the patient will be referred to as “Ann”. keeping a diary or a journal, writing down what happened can help you get a clear picture of a situation Reflective practice is important in order to ensure that high standards are always met. In order to help me with my reflection I have chosen Gibbs (1988), as the model to help guide my reflective process (see appendix 1).
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