Now, Nurgleâs Daemons are getting similar treatment, with army abilities, Hellforged Artefacts, Stratagems and new units of their own. Arfifact of Blood With their Strength of 4 and AP value of -3 from their hellblades, Bloodletters are your heaviest hitters and the clear answer to power-armoured adversaries. At least now they cost as much as a Maulerfiend you don't have to listen to your opponent whining about how cheap they are (although maybe you still will, this is 40k after all). Plaguebearers become absolute beasts in cover, with no worse than a 3+ in most terrain features. Chant sung by Plaguebearer Daemons during battle Nurgle, also known as the Plague Lord or the Plague God, is the Chaos God of disease, decay, despair, death and destruction. Chaos Daemons are the ultimate enemy of the Imperium, perhaps more so than the Chaos Space Marines who worship them. So a list with a mixture of Bloodletters, Flesh Hounds, and Bloodcrushers, would not be anywhere near as effective as a list including only 1 of those units in vast numbers. Though the tactics employed by the Daemons of Chaos on the battlefield may defy mortal logic, they all serve to further the unfathomable ambitions and terrible desires of the Dark Gods. I’ve felt since the book dropped that Nurgle may be the best mono faction out there. Arfifact of Decay One of the great things about Nurgle is that you have a lot of options for styles of lists with your buff characters. Have fun... You will have trouble with fast (Space Elves) and shooty (Guard, Tau) armies - always. Hell, you can even Smite vehicles and flyers now. Now, this helps, but unfortunately Bloodletters and the like may feel it when the enemy kills them before they can strike back. Each one of them is an incarnation of the Dark Gods' will made of pure Warp energy, and therefore mortal concepts such as fear, exhaustion or pity are alien to them. This was confirmed in the daemons FAQ. If your opponent is unwilling/unable to kill your Pinkys, summon the "reserved" Blues & Brimeys where they can tarpit/smite something. When fielding Pink Horrors, one should try to benefit from splitting, so here will be some unallocated points in your list. The main rule that Nurgle has at its disposal is Disgustingly Resilent, giving most units a 5+ to shrug off any wound, even mortal. Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. The Nurgle Loci is also a pretty good one, giving +1 damage to wound rolls of 6 when within 6″ of a character with the Loci. Note: the most recent codex only includes an entry for the existing plastic herald kits, so hold onto your indexes. Unlike the CSM one, they only apply their reroll-1s aura to Daemons of their alignment (although that does apply to Possessed, Warp Talons, mounted HQs and the various Daemon Engines) but they take their psychic powers from the Daemons list instead of Dark Hereticus. The list goes on. Deep strike the tree, then drop the oblits around it to and if they want to blow command points to intercept them you should be fine. The problem with this tactic is that it requires A) The game set at least 1000 points due to one being 235 in 8th edition and B) Not go up against range favoring armies like Necrons and Tau because Soul Grinders aren't as fast as they once were. Through dark rituals and horrific sacrifices, the Daemons of the warp are summoned to the material realm to do the bidding of the Chaos Gods. Fuck that noise...literally. An overview of the Chaos Daemons loyal to The Lord of Decay: Nurgle! Synapse only lets units automatically pass morale checks, it doesn't modify their genrally terrible leadership. You will be able to tailor your list around many of these and their supporting units for a very potent combos. One of the biggest things that Nurgle is known for is durability. Hysterical Frenzy is hard to get, but another round of combat is great! Aside from the synergies there CSM also have a lot of the heavy shooting Daemons don't have, with Havocs providing cheap fire support, Predators for dealing with infantry and tanks depending on loadout, Fiends having either big scary guns or big meaty claws to spook heavy infantry and armor, Obliterators for a crippling mass of fire from out of nowhere, and lastly Defilers for being better than Soul Grinders in every conceivable way. Epidimius makes sense as their Daemons Lord pack DLC character as the Herald and Tallyman of Nurgle, but in a combined Nurgle-only roster, there should be a Warriors representative as a foil to Ku'gath. Post your thoughts below. If you get the ball rolling, they can tear through units, even large ones left and right. Another great thing with all these bonuses is the damage output they can get up to. ... General Army and Game Tactics. Imperial Knights have a special rule that allows them to fall back "over" some types of models, allowing them to exit melee in the movement phase. Other than that, Daemons seem to be reduced to footslogging and summoning lists atm. Note about detachments: As Be'lakor has no chaos allegiance you can't take him in any mono daemons detachment and keep the rest of the detachment buffs. Note that this is not a pure Daemons list, but most of the models/units in it are - you'll need the Chaos Index, the CSM Codex, and the Imperial Armour Chaos Index to field it, and, if you want to fully explore your options, the Imperial Armour Astra Militarum Index. The benefit this power has over other leadership bombs is that it doesn't rely on the enemy failing a morale test for it to be effective. That means anyone with both the. In particular, the emotion of despair in mortals empowers the Plague God. When he's your warlord he will also ignore perils on a 2+ and give you D3 command points which at worst is a free reroll/ unit to deep strike and at best will you can deep strike the big bird wherever you want and still have a spare CP for an important reroll. Now back on bog-standard Plaguebearers! Greater Possessed are also helpful, albeit in a more limited fashion, but with the Mark of Khorne, can engage in some shenanigans via the Skull Altar. It'll help you summon said Daemons and will also give the summoned Daemons the standard Nurgle Detachment buffs once they're on the table. Beard brings Celestine to take on Bone and the denizens of Nurgle! The more you kill the better your army gets! To hit things effectively, you need Block. 14:55. You get to reroll wounds with many weapons and can buff up your damage characteristics, but most are still AP0. 1CP for 3 Crushers, 1CP for the banner, 1CP to inflict MW on a charge, and then you Deep Strike in Skulltaker nearby (8" aura) for the +1 hit rolls. Daemons and their nature. Your daemon spells are meh and buffs are limited to daemons of the same god but you can spam Smite all over the place. 5++ is something but not much and you have got a lot of T3 units... (unless you're running a lot of Nurgle). That doesn't mean that the bird nutters don't have a few ok melee units or tricks and with a widespread 4++ save they can be hard to kill as well. â¦Strategies and Tactics! Hi everyone, I am in the process of building up a Nurgle Daemons army primarily for 40K but also some possible AOS 2.0. Probably even more mixing with CSM (Daemonkin) later on and therefore even more different units to use. There are also daemons serving minor Chaos Gods. Don't forget your pile in moves to bubble wrap a DP even in combat. Chaos Daemons can largely be divided into two camps â aggressive and defensive models. Nurgle units are the second most popular chaos units. Nurgle specialises in diseases and poisons. NOTE: the upgrade happens before the game starts so remember to keep your banner bearer safe since your opponent will know it's coming. This makes them natural targets for Boon of Change. Through dark rituals and horrific sacrifices, the Daemons of the warp are summoned to the material realm to do the bidding of the Chaos Gods. The tree takes Oblits to a whole nutha level as they shore up some of their weaknesses. These Days of Nurgle that GW are doing have motivated me to start up my Nurgle Daemons as soon as I finish up my skaven (I'm close!) The simple Plaguebearer can get up to 4 damage each! You can summon on the first turn. Warhammer: Age of ⦠As the tolling of bells echoes through the warp, the flesh of Nurgleâs Daemons flows like wax to seal gaping wounds. Disgustingly Resilient also works against mortal wounds (take that Chicken McNuggets), the only downside is it's mostly useless against weapons that were going to overkill you (if a Plaguebearer gets hit by a D2 weapon, FNP only gives him a 13% increase in durability). The foetid forces of Papa Erboz Plaguebrand amass... hurr hurr hurr INITIAL WARBAND Allegiance: Chaos Leaders Herald Of Nurgle (100) - G A non-god specific traitor legion like the Iron Warriors or Night Lords is recommended if using Titans, Knights, or Daemon Engines, preferably for more speed to spread out on the battlefield. Their followers unquestioningly obey their commands; not only do Daemon Princes retain their martial skill and cunning from their former lives, but they are also the living embodiments of Nurgle's favour. Delightful Agonies is... eh, it's the worst one, it had its WC and FNP numbers swapped around for literally no reason so its a neutered version of the DH power with the same name. Horny Khornys are a reliable source of High Strength, AP, and Damage weaponry other god's minions often don't have and even some elite choices have a decent armour save.
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