Click here to learn more. Have you completed the prerequisite courses? Online Registration 9th Class are advised for online registration of private student 9th class ajk board. SSC Online 2020. Step 7: Purchase materials needed for each course at the Campus Store. 100% refund if dropped the day before class starts or earlier. Students who register after the first class meeting and drop a course are subject to a refund based on the beginning dates of the course, not when they register. The signature of an SCC counselor for registration your first semester in dual enrollment. SCC Academic Advisors are here to work with you in developing your roadmap to success. The drop date will be the date you provide an “Official Drop/Add Form” to the Registration & Records office or Drop the class online. When there is an opening in a class, the first student on the waitlist will be notified via email. You must have created your MEID and password to schedule an appointment. Email Address If you have been awarded and accepted your financial aid (grants, loans, or scholarships) and your award covers the full cost of your tuition and fees, your classes are secured. Students can add or remove themselves from a course waitlist through WebAdvisor on the Hub. Students are entitled to a refund based on the Refund Table for Credit Classes. Financial aid will not be distributed to students who have been reported as never having attended class (“No Show” students). Step 2: Make sure you have gone to the SCC Student Planning to review your “My Progress” toward your degree (see tutorials below for more assistance). Visit for more information. If you have earned less than 12 college credit hours, you will also need to supply your High School transcript (send to the same address as above.). Student scores will be posted in their student accounts. However, based on the score received, students may determine their placement based on the updated placement chart. Step 10: Arrange for Payment. We work hard to put the community in community college by offering non-credit courses and programs designed to enrich lives and advance careers. (Please note, New First-Time Freshman, Athletes, and International Students must meet with an Academic Advisor before being able to register for courses.). Send this information to Please know, meeting with an Academic Advisor is important to make sure you are aware of how all of your credits transferred into SCC and plan your next steps. Students enrolled in 6 credit hours or in math or English courses are required to complete the SCC Assessment. Students will be guided to study programs to help increase their score, as needed, in each area. Your test results will be reviewed you will receive assistance in selecting your courses. 4. Students who meet the standards identified below may use the following measures for their primary placement in lieu of placement testing: Students may complete placement testing for additional placement options: COVID-19 exception – Effective April 17, 2020 MCCCD will be offering EdReady as an additional placement measure. We're excited that you are joining us! Students will be asked for their MEID, if unsure of their MEID, students can contact the SCC Help Desk at 480-423-6274, option 3. If you will be under 18 at the time of registration, the Financial Responsibility and Consent Form must be completed, signed by a parent/guardian, and submitted to the Admissions office to be eligible to register. One of the (3) payment options below must be made in order to secure your class(es). Students must have a current email address on file at Southeast Community College, before adding themselves to a waitlist. The student’s most recent score will be recorded in the Student Information System (SIS). If you forget your password, it will need to be reset, which may take some time. 6. Please note: Summer: April 27, 2020; Fall: August 3, 2020; After these dates, tuition and fees are due at the time of registration. No trust fund is required. Also, write down any other questions you may have for the Advisor. At St. Charles Community College is easy and you can do it online through SCC Student Planning. Step 3: Submit Transcripts – Have your final College/University transcript(s) sent to or Are you wanting to explore other classes/options? A lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the career and technical education programs of the District. Have at least a 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) high school grade point average. Sign up for a monthly payment plan before the deadline to secure your class(es). To avoid being dropped from your class(es) please make note of the following deadlines: After these dates, tuition and fees are due at the time of registration. Step 4: Set a time to meet with an SCC Academic Advisor. Is this the first time you are registering for a class at SCC? Student Update Form. Step 11: Graduation - as we continue to develop your academic roadmap, let’s chat about your potential timeline for graduation and the items you will need to complete! You can also find campus announcements, news and events in the portal. Make sure your Advisor knows which major, degree, or certificate you are hoping to complete at SCC. Maricopa Emergency Management System Alert. We're as connected to our community as we are committed to our students. Step 10: Apply for financial aid and scholarships. Under Age 16? Students who score a 95 or higher on the College Reading Placement test will be advised to take the Critical Reading and Critical Thinking Placement test. Requirements to be eligible for dual enrollment: Meet with Kathy Brockgreitens (636-922-8229 or via email at Current Students or Students with Alternative Placement wanting to place into CRE 101 or place Reading Exempt, may choose to take the Critical Reading and Critical Thinking Placement test. Be sure to check out these quick videos on How to Fill Out the FAFSA and on the rest of the Financial Aid Process at SCC. Our Enrollment Services team is here to help you navigate the entire process -- just contact us at or (480) 423-6700. TR designates a Tuesday/Thursday class. A summer graduate wishing to participate in the May commencement ceremony must file an application for graduation by March 1st. Refunds will not be granted after deadlines have passed. If you plan to use Financial Aid, apply at now! instagram You can rise to the challenge of higher education here without the fear of falling into a mound of debt. Dates Mail or bring your GED or ACT scores to the Testing Center, Advisors will review your placement measures for placement in English, Reading and Math at your SOAR session (for new students) or in an advising session (for continuing students), This non-proctored, online testing option can be accessed at. All advisor appointments will be conducted via phone until further notice. Step 3: Submit Transcripts – your final High School transcript, ACT/SAT scores, and any other College or University transcripts you may have. (see video tutorials above). WRITE DOWN A HINT SO YOU CAN REMEMBER IT!!! Be sure to enter the term. Failure to attend classes does not constitute a drop or withdrawal. Students can only increase their score with these study tools. Please allow two weeks for an evaluation from the time the transcripts are received at SCC. Professional Development and Continuing Education Registration You may register at Suffolk County Community College for a non-credit course in the same way that you can register for any other course: by coming to any of the three campuses and registering in person, by mail or online. FALL 2020 SEMESTER & CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) UPDATE: The SCC campus is closed (no on-campus services are available at this time). SCC where you want to be for where you want to go. Take some time to learn about your community college. Enter your Username and Password. Go to and click on “change/forgot password”. All classes and student support services are available online. For additional information, as well as a listing of all coordinators within the Maricopa College system, visit Failure to attend classes does not absolve the student from making complete payment for all tuition and fees associated with the student’s registration. Email including your name, SCC ID, identify that you are a first-time SCC college student and request a meeting time. On the next screen, you will see a list of the courses you selected under Preferred Sections. By answering these questions before your meeting, you will be most prepared to work with an Academic Advisor to create your roadmap to success. Step 8: Register for Classes in SCC Student Planning! Be sure to check out these quick videos on, Admissions Transient Student Approval Form. New Students (requiring placement assessment) are strongly recommended to start with the College Reading Placement test. Step 9: Purchase materials needed for each course at the Campus Store. (if you have college transfer credits from another institution) Transcripts sent to SCC will not be automatically reviewed unless the student has requested in writing that a review be made. Be sure to check out these quick videos on How to Fill Out the FAFSA and on the rest of the Financial Aid Process at SCC. Step 5: Prepare to meet with your Academic Advisor. Tuition charges will not be posted to the student account until the registration process is complete. The SSC registration starts with notification of SSC exams. High school and college transcripts are not required, and any placement testing requirements will be waived, as a courtesy to the home institution if this form is completed. Course and section numbers and synonyms can be obtained from the credit schedule. Click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the screen. If you think you are one semester away from graduation: Students who are visiting or non-degree seeking students (neither planning to complete a degree/certificate at SCC) should email to inquire about registration.
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