Those who think they can interpret the Scriptures on their own, disregarding all others, are highly suspect in their interpretation and clearly wrong in their attitude. (1 Corinthians 14:36). Does the teaching we receive square with the truths of God’s Word (see Acts 17:11)? 18 Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Thy law (Psalms 119:17-18). These are the stories you read about in Sunday School and church, but I can guarantee you they won’t be told the same way. Oh wait, no -- eat your kids. And so it is that Peter urges his readers to pursue godliness in the same text he warns us of Scripture twisters: 14 Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless (2 Peter 3:14).

We see this in 1 Corinthians 7. The Bible isn’t clear on that, but that’s my take on it.

A true teacher of the Word is one who stimulates you to study the Word of God and to find out if what he teaches is indeed from God. Too many Christians refuse to believe or obey Scripture until it makes sense to them.

I hope you enjoy this episode!

They may not claim to reveal new truth from God on the level of Scripture, but they will seek to distort the Scriptures, twisting them to teach something vastly different from the intended meaning of the Bible. From Peter’s warnings in his epistles and what we are told elsewhere in Scripture, we can summarize what we should know about Scripture twisters: (1) We should expect Scripture twisters to arise within the church.

The fact that this promise is contained in a context dealing with church discipline is ignored.

We should learn to recognize the difference between our own personal convictions (which we are told to keep to ourselves [Romans 14:22] and those truths which all Christians must embrace to be orthodox. They think they will find truth which is more necessary and important there.

Often, such people will (ab)use this verse as a pretext for their independence: 26 These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. These two truths, the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man, are both true and must be held in tension.

12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And after they're done, he'll make them eat their friends too.

And do not give an ear to any false teacher. “All truth is God’s truth,” we are told. 14 Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless, 15 and regard the patience of our Lord to be salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, 16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. 8 For if these [qualities] are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing this, he is intent on calling his readers to continually remember and apply the truths of God’s Word (2 Peter 1:13-15). Other gifted teachers should not be ignored. 9 For he who lacks these [qualities] is blind [or] short-sighted, having forgotten [his] purification from his former sins. Unless you went to a cool Sunday School class or a cool church, that is.

Cracked is published by Literally media Ltd.. After each plague, the Pharaoh remains stubborn, so God has to step it up a notch, over and over again, until he's finally just straight-up killing babies.

17 You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard lest, being carried away by the error of unprincipled men, you fall from your own steadfastness, 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

(1) We err greatly in our interpretation and application of God’s Word when we subordinate the revelation of God’s truth to our own reason.

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twisted bible stories

This one is about Sodom & Gomorrah and it’s not about what you think.

Those who would seek to hold one truth and deny the other will distort the Scriptures. Perhaps no one is right. Paul warns of the same danger in Acts 20:30.

Petty enough to try to escape an omnipresent, omniscient God and then get mad at Him when he showed the same pity, grace, and mercy to 120,000 people and their animals after showing Jonah the same pity, grace, and mercy. How sad to hear Christians who are alleged experts in some secular field proclaim these “truths” on the same level as the truth of God’s Word.

Peter knows he is soon to die. For some, their twisted teaching is rooted in the ambition to have a personal following (Acts 20:30).

In fact, and we're actually quoting God here, he's going to feed them meat "until it comes out of your nostrils and you loathe it.". He was handsome, dark, tall, rich, and possibly spoiled. Well, take a look at Twisted Bible Stories from Keene Point of View.

Those who think they can interpret the Scriptures on their own, disregarding all others, are highly suspect in their interpretation and clearly wrong in their attitude. (1 Corinthians 14:36). Does the teaching we receive square with the truths of God’s Word (see Acts 17:11)? 18 Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Thy law (Psalms 119:17-18). These are the stories you read about in Sunday School and church, but I can guarantee you they won’t be told the same way. Oh wait, no -- eat your kids. And so it is that Peter urges his readers to pursue godliness in the same text he warns us of Scripture twisters: 14 Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless (2 Peter 3:14).

We see this in 1 Corinthians 7. The Bible isn’t clear on that, but that’s my take on it.

A true teacher of the Word is one who stimulates you to study the Word of God and to find out if what he teaches is indeed from God. Too many Christians refuse to believe or obey Scripture until it makes sense to them.

I hope you enjoy this episode!

They may not claim to reveal new truth from God on the level of Scripture, but they will seek to distort the Scriptures, twisting them to teach something vastly different from the intended meaning of the Bible. From Peter’s warnings in his epistles and what we are told elsewhere in Scripture, we can summarize what we should know about Scripture twisters: (1) We should expect Scripture twisters to arise within the church.

The fact that this promise is contained in a context dealing with church discipline is ignored.

We should learn to recognize the difference between our own personal convictions (which we are told to keep to ourselves [Romans 14:22] and those truths which all Christians must embrace to be orthodox. They think they will find truth which is more necessary and important there.

Often, such people will (ab)use this verse as a pretext for their independence: 26 These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. These two truths, the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man, are both true and must be held in tension.

12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And after they're done, he'll make them eat their friends too.

And do not give an ear to any false teacher. “All truth is God’s truth,” we are told. 14 Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless, 15 and regard the patience of our Lord to be salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, 16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. 8 For if these [qualities] are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing this, he is intent on calling his readers to continually remember and apply the truths of God’s Word (2 Peter 1:13-15). Other gifted teachers should not be ignored. 9 For he who lacks these [qualities] is blind [or] short-sighted, having forgotten [his] purification from his former sins. Unless you went to a cool Sunday School class or a cool church, that is.

Cracked is published by Literally media Ltd.. After each plague, the Pharaoh remains stubborn, so God has to step it up a notch, over and over again, until he's finally just straight-up killing babies.

17 You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard lest, being carried away by the error of unprincipled men, you fall from your own steadfastness, 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

(1) We err greatly in our interpretation and application of God’s Word when we subordinate the revelation of God’s truth to our own reason.

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