There are, however, a few exceptions, as in some liturgies the "Magnificat" is sung at Lauds (cf. Much earlier than this we find an evening Office corresponding to both that of Vespers and that of Compline. lat. et de liturgie", s.v. bénédictine, IV (1887), 434-46; LECLERQ in Dict. Others see in this an allusion to the ceremony of the paschal candle. Office, Divine). cxii and cxiii, the Gradual psalms, Pss. Like the other hours, therefore, Vespers is divided into two parts; the psalmody, or singing of the psalms, forming the first part, and the capitulum and formulæ the second. Registrieren Sie sich kostenlos und nehmen Sie an unserer Community teil! Celtique, 3015). d'arch. . Reichen Sie Ihre lustigen Spitznamen und coolen Gamertags ein … Vespers, on the contrary, occupies a privileged place towards the end of the day. On semi-doubles and those of a lesser rite the suffrages are now reduced to a single antiphon and orison which is common to all the saints heretofore commemorated, whilst the preces ("Miserere" and versicles) formerly imposed on the greater feriæ are now suppressed. It may thus be seen that the Lucernarium was, together with Vigils, the most important part of the Offices of the day, being composed of almost the same elements as the latter, at least in certain regions. ", s.v. Spitznamen, coole Schriftarten, Symbole und Tags im Zusammenhang mit Vespa – Vessie, wheels, bluman, Sugali, Reaper, Kahfi. Nihil Obstat. The author tells us that this Office took place at the tenth hour (four o'clock in the evening); it is really the Office des lumières, i.e. Vespers, then, was the most solemn Office of the day and was composed of the psalms called Lucernales (Psalm 140 is called psalmus lucernalis by the Apostolic Constitutions, VIII, xxxv; cf. Before the fourth century we find allusions to the evening prayer in the earlier Fathers, Clement I of Rome (Clemens Romanus), St. Ignatius, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Origen, the Canons of St. Hippolytus, St. Cyprian (for texts see Bäumer-Biron, l. c., I, 20 sqq., 73-4, 76, 78). cxxxviii, cxliii, cxliv are each divided into two portions, whilst the Pss. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. eccl. Cabrol, Fernand. Its name varies. karl-josef oder manfred).habt ihr euren vespas einen namen gegeben, oder ist das euch zu blöd ? As a matter of fact it was no longer the evening hour, but the sunset hour, so that it was celebrated before the day had departed and consequently before there was any necessity for artificial light (Regula S. Benedicti, xli). This place of honour accorded so persistently to the canticle of Mary from such remote antiquity is but one of the many, and of the least striking, proofs of the devotion which has always been paid to the Blessed Virgin in the Church. Smith, "Dict. They are taken, however, from the series cix to cxlvii. In the Rule of St. Columbanus, dated about 590, Vespers still has twelve psalms, amongst which are Pss. ; DE VERT, Explic. cix to cxlvii, with the exception of Psalm 118, which on account of its unusual length does not square with the others, and is consequently ordinarily divided up into parts and recited at the little hours. There are, however, a few exceptions, as in some liturgies the "Magnificat" is sung at Lauds (cf. Then two lessons were read as at Vigils, one from the Old, and the other from the New, Testament. The name, however, by which it was most widely known during that period was Lucernalis or Lucernaria hora (l. c., 126). meinste net das ein weiblicher name viel treffender wäre? In The Catholic Encyclopedia. Mwinw heißt manchmal 'Drecksteil'' wielse net angehen will oder irgendwelche zicken macht.Sons ist sie aber mein ''Schätzchen''. It was so called because at this hour a number of candles were lighted, not only to give light, but also for symbolical purposes. (cf. Before this epoch this evening synaxis was celebrated with all the torches alight. The "Apostolic Constitutions" (VIII, xxi, 34, 35) describe it in almost the same terms as the "Peregrinatio". Imprimatur. ; CABROL, Les églises de Jérusalem, la discipline et la liturgie au ive siècle (Paris, 1895), 47-8.Concerning Vespers: ZACCARIA, Onomasticon, 13, 19; CAVALIERI, Opera liturgica, II (Bassani, 1778), 139; MORIN, Les vêpres du dimanche in Rev. Zum Liebestest. Sie haben noch kein Benutzerkonto auf unserer Seite? Ich möchte im Schlaf sterben wie mein Opa und nicht schreiend wie sein Beifahrer! Each psalm was followed by a short prayer (P.L., XLIX, 83-4, 88-9). Smith, "Dict. ", s.v. bénédictine, IV (1887), 434-46; LECLERQ in Dict. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. The name, however, by which it was most widely known during that period was Lucernalis or Lucernaria hora (l. c., 126). Meine Eltern kamen auf den Namen als sie Urlaub gemacht haben in der Kleinstadt Jasper in Kanada ich habe schon 2-3 mit dem Namen Jasper kennengelernt aber noch nie einen mit dem Namen Jesper und das gefällt mir auch . Durch die Nutzung unserer Seite erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir Cookies setzen. The Greek Church retains the "Lumen hilare" and some other traces of the ancient Lucernarium in the Offices of Vespers and Compline (cf. Meanings and history of the name Vesper. cxix sqq. d'arch. Be the first to like this name. (cf. Lastly, the ancient custom of having a lection or reading from the Old, or from the New, Testament, or from the homilies of the Fathers, might well in certain cases and to a certain extent be re-adopted, or serve as the subject-matter for the sermon which is sometimes delivered at this service. Matins and Lauds, on account of the hour at which they are celebrated, have always been more or less inaccessible to the faithful; likewise the little hours, except, perhaps, Terce, which serves as an introduction to the Mass. Vesper Lynd, female character in the James Bond series book and movie "Casino Royale". et inf. The reason of this is that St. Benedict introduced in the cursus, another hour--that of Compline--which was prescribed to be celebrated in the evening, and which might be considered as a kind of doubling of the Office of Lucernarium. It may thus be seen that the Lucernarium was, together with Vigils, the most important part of the Offices of the day, being composed of almost the same elements as the latter, at least in certain regions. ritibus, IV, 32 sqq. The "Peregrinatio", which gives the liturgical order as practised at Jerusalem and the date of which is probably the fourth century, calls it Lichnicon. II, lix; also Cabrol, l. c.). On semi-doubles and those of a lesser rite the suffrages are now reduced to a single antiphon and orison which is common to all the saints heretofore commemorated, whilst the preces ("Miserere" and versicles) formerly imposed on the greater feriæ are now suppressed. My email address is webmaster at The use of incense, candles, and other lights would seem to suggest the Jewish rites which accompanied the evening sacrifice (Exodus 29:39; Numbers 28:4; Psalm 140:2; Daniel 9:21; 1 Chronicles 23:30; cf. AMBROSIAN LITURGY AND RITE). We have seen that St. Benedict calls it only Vespera, the name which has prevailed over that of Lucernarium (cf. "Vespers." et de liturgie", s.v. Vesper - Name Meaning, Origin & Popularity. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York. The Rule of St. Benedict was written about 530-43 and represents the Office of Vespers drawn up in the manner shown above. Joah..also meiner hat mal jemand nen Namen gegeben.Den fand ich recht lustig und ab da hieß sie dann wohl "Uschi", Ich gebe nur bestimmten Bauteilen einen Namen.Das Schliessfach meiner XL2 ist "Miststück"Das Lager an der Kurbelwelle heisst so ähnlich, Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Da_Rolla (29. Origin of Vesper English Names Latin Names Popularity of Vesper Vesper currently has no likes. ", s.v. As already pointed out, it recalls the sacrificium vespertinum of the Old Law. Copyright © 2020 by Kevin Knight. d'arch. Importance d'arch. These psalms are to be recited with their antiphons, not only at the Office de tempore (Sundays and feriæ) but also on feasts of a lesser rite than doubles of the second class, that is to say, on simples, semidoubles (double minors), and double majors. Cabrol, Fernand. In a document of unquestionable authority of that period the Office is described as follows: The evening hour, or vespertina synaxis, is composed of four psalms, a capitulum, a response, a hymn, a versicle, a canticle from the Gospel, litany (Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison), Pater with the ordinary finale, oratio, or prayer, and dismissal (Regula Sancti Benedicti, xvii). The Catholic Encyclopedia. Famous real-life people named Vesper Vesper in song, story & screen. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. The "Apostolic Constitutions" (VIII, xxi, 34, 35) describe it in almost the same terms as the "Peregrinatio". ritibus, IV, 32 sqq. Achtung: Kinder mit schrägen Namen an Bord. cxii and cxiii, the Gradual psalms, Pss. jA hat sie eleonore steht sogar fast aufm kennzeichen ele. The hymn is a more recent introduction in the Roman Vespers; the finale (litanies, Pater, versicles, prayers) seems all to have existed from this epoch as in the Benedictine cursus. He says the Office was recited towards five or six o'clock and that all the lights were lighted. All these names are interesting to note. Alterth. In the same manner as the night is consecrated to God by the Office of the Vigil, so also is the end of the day by Vespers. Bäumer-Biron, l. c., II, 54 sqq. Vesperae). It is quite conformable to tradition, moreover, to invest this Office with a particular solemnity. Gougaud, "Les chrétientés celtiques", 309; "Dict. ich überleg mir schon lange, ob ich meiner pk50s einen namen geben soll (z.b. Cantiques évangéliques). Um alle Funktionen dieser Website nutzen zu können, muss JavaScript aktiviert sein. de la messe, I, 66 sqq. chrét. The origin of Vespers;III. Symbolism: the hymns This is a point to be noted, as it was an innovation. 1788; cf. Importance. der Bibel", Munich, 1869, p. 362). Weitere Kommentare laden # 5503 . On all feasts, of whatever rite, the second part of Vespers, that is, the capitulum, hymn, antiphon of the "Magnificat", is taken from the Sanctorale. The Office of Vespers in the Middle Ages: Variations;IV. also Cabrol, "Les églises de Jérusalem, la discipline et la liturgie au IVe siècle", 47).
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