slate blue hex code

In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine. In the RGB color model #9cb2bc is comprised of 61.18% red, 69.8% green and 73.73% blue. #6a5acd hex color red value is 106, green value is 90 and the blue value of its RGB is 205.

Computer screens display the required color mixing tiny red, green and blue lights (RGB). #6a5acd color RGB value is (106,90,205). In the HSL color space #9cb2bc has a hue of 199° (degrees), 19% saturation and 67% lightness. There are many ways to mix/generate a color. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 48.3% cyan, 56.1% magenta, 0% yellow and 19.6% black. © 2020 RGB Color Code. Slate Blue RGB Color Code: #6A5ACD. Click and Copy the codes below for quick quick use. Search for a color by its name in the list containing more than 2000 names. The hexadecimal RGB code of Slate Blue color is #6A5ACD.

The decimal RGB color code is rgb(106,90,205). Painting is a means of self-enlightenment. The decimal RGB color code is rgb(106,90,205). This code is composed of a hexadecimal 6A red (106/256), a 5A green (90/256) and a CD blue component (205/256). By using this website you agree to this.

We can also define a color by hue, saturation and value (HSV). In print we use cyan, yellow, magenta and black (CMYK) inks because usually we print on a white paper. In a RGB color space, hex #6a5acd (also known as Slate blue) is composed of 41.6% red, 35.3% green and 80.4% blue. Use the palette to pick a color or the sliders to set the RGB, HSV, CMYK components.

Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 48.2% cyan, 56.1% magenta, 0% yellow and 45.5% black. Save 10% on premium images with code ISTOCK10.

The hexadecimal color code #9cb2bc is a medium light shade of cyan. In the RGB color model #9cb2bc is comprised of 61.18% red, 69.8% green and 73.73% blue. ★ BS 4800 18 C 35 - Corvette blue / Pigeon, Opal Blue Prl over Hot Plata / 23468/23552. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #6a5acd hue: 0.69 , saturation: 0.53 and the lightness value of 6a5acd is 0.58..

In this case the lack of the ink will result white paper, and we get a dark shade if more colors are mixed together. This code is composed of a hexadecimal 6A red (106/256), a 5A green (90/256) and a CD blue component (205/256). Turning off all three components results in a black pixel, while if all components are lit up on full brightness that results a white light.

Basic colors: black , blue , brown , gray , green , orange , pink , purple , red , white , yellow The hexadecimal RGB code of Slate Blue color is #6A5ACD. SiteMap | Mobile Site, We use cookies on this website to collect visitor statistics. This color has an approximate wavelength of 484.87 nm. RGB #6a5acd color name is Slate Blue color. In the HSL color space #9cb2bc has a hue of 199° (degrees), 19% saturation and 67% lightness.

Benjamin Moore Slate Blue / 1648 / Early Morning / CC-818 / #9cb2bc Hex Color Code. In a RGB color space, hex #483d8b (also known as Dark slate blue) is composed of 28.2% red, 23.9% green and 54.5% blue. The hexadecimal color code #9cb2bc is a medium light shade of cyan. The holy grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it.

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